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Vaping vs. Smoking: A Statistical Analysis of Health Impacts

hands holding E-cigarette vs cigarettes.

The Numbers Game I’ve always been a numbers person. Whether it’s due to my early days of playing online poker or my hyper-analytical mind, I’ve always broken down the data when dealing with a situation. Percentages, calculations, and projections; this is how my brain works. Perhaps I should have been an accountant. Let’s delve into … Read more

Nova Scotia P.C.’s to ban vaping for individuals under 19 & ban flavours.

Nova Scotia

The Progressive Conservatives from Nova Scotia are introducing a bill to ban vaping for anyone under 19 across Nova Scotia. “We know there’s a lot of health risks associated to vaping and we know that too many young people are vaping, so this is a matter of public interest and something that should be discussed … Read more

Your Media is Lying to you – Interview with man effected by lung condition from THC pods.


Introduction: The mass media often manipulates interviews to fit their agendas, creating misinformation and panic. I have experienced this firsthand, and it infuriates me. The recent media coverage about vaping-related illnesses is a prime example of such manipulation, leading to undue alarm in the vaping industry. Case Study: Ben Camerillo Ben Camerillo, a middle-aged man … Read more

USA made product linked to London, Ontario Vaping illness

vape device

On September 18th, an unnamed teenage male was hospitalized in London, Ontario, for a ‘vaping-related illness.’ Despite a lack of details regarding the specific product(s) used by the individual, Canadian media outlets hastily sounded the alarm, branding all vaping products as dangerous and advising the public to avoid them altogether. Revealing Details: After weeks of … Read more

Vape bans could have disastrous consequences – undoing gains in smoking cessation – expert warns

Vaping outdoor

“It is like everyone has forgotten about smoking, which will kill over 100 Canadians today,” he said. David Sweanor, Professor in the Center for Health Law, Policy and Ethics at the University of Ottawa said bans and restrictions on vaping could drive more people to smoke.  This could undo years of work the public health … Read more

86.7 Million years of live saved if American smokers switched to vaping

Smoking vs vaping

Potential Lifespan Gains if American Smokers Switched to Vaping The Potential of Vaping A recent article published in Tobacco Control estimates that up to 6.6 million premature deaths could be prevented, equating to 86.7 million years of life saved, if current smokers in the U.S. switched to vaping. The Study by Dr. David Levy Dr. … Read more

Setting the record straight: Canada Vapes response to recent media.

Canada Vapes

RE: Health related vaping news: Over the past several weeks, there have been a great deal of news articles, reports, and social media posts surrounding vaping related illnesses and deaths in the United States, and more recently in Canada.   At Canada Vapes, we believe that knowledge is power.  We would like to take this opportunity … Read more

Oil in the lungs? Lipid laden macrophages? Know the FACTS about what’s in Canada Vapes e-liquid!


Misconceptions in Media Reports In recent media reports, there have been many misguided statements regarding the e-liquid traditionally used in e-cigarettes. Statements such as “Doctors found his lungs had become severely congested with solidified oil”(Source) and “lipid laden macrophages,” calling them “oily chemicals” and making statements like “inhaling oil into your lungs” (Source) have caused … Read more

Vitamin E acetate found in the majority of illness causing vapes in the United States


Over the past several weeks various News sources have discussed a compound called Vitamin E acetate also known as tocopheryl acetate.  This fairly common vitamin supplement was found in the majority of cases involving serious illnesses and even (at the time of this writing) seven deaths. (Source)  Many mainstream media sources are jumping on the … Read more