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Health Benefits of Vaping

Health Benefits: Vaping vs. Smoking

Health benefits of moving from traditional tobacco cigarettes to electronic cigarettes are subjective. The benefits are very similar to individuals who have quit smoking tobacco cigarettes entirely. Here are some general health benefits that I have found posted on e-cigarette forums and websites across the internet.

  • Better Sleep
  • Improved sense of smell and taste
  • Reduced coughing and phlegm
  • More energy and vitality
  • Reduction in snoring
  • Reduced pain in chest
  • Improved mood and sense of well being
  • Improved Vision
  • Feeling of power and control

Here are just a few health benefits discussed by individuals who have successfully transitioned from tobacco cigarettes to e-cigarettes:

I was a two pack a day smoker with a 35 year habit. I had 3 heart attacks and triple bypass surgery…not to mention 8 cardiac caths…some with stent placement and some revisions. The most relevant medical tests to ascertain whether the vaping has deleterious effects on the body is the pulmonary function study and a cbc. A smokers RBC size and hemoglobin carrying capacity are greatly affected due to the carbon monoxide from analogs. I have been for vaping about two years and completely off analogs 18 months. A week ago, I had my tests repeated and they were perfectly normal. My Doctor said I am now officially a non-smoker according to medical standards. It took a long time to achieve this. My blood pressure is normal and cholesterol and blood sugar are fine. — BonnieGirl from E-Cigarette-Forum.com

I can run again. My wind is great. I can breathe without wheezing. I am dropping the extra weight while eating whatever I want (within my vegan reason). I go to school and know that once I am in the field, with my RN degree, I have a extra tool to help others. My mind is finally free to think about things other than cigarettes and how I shouldn’t and why I can’t and why I am — freedom. — glowgirl from E-Cigarette-Forum.com

overall we both feel better. he has stopped snoring every night. I have had migraines all my life and the last 2 years suddenly went for the worst by migraines happening nearly every day. they have severely decreased now, not a single migraine in almost 2 weeks now. — redfury from E-Cigarette-Forum.com

Here’s what I’ve gained:

  • Much better peripheral circulation. Quitting analogs made me feel 10 years younger, easily.
  • My sense of smell, while still not great, has vastly improved.
  • My teeth are noticeably whiter.
  • My gums are nice and pink, now.
  • Most of all, I can exercise easily, now, without getting winded. Cutting the yard, or walking up, even very steep, long hills is a breeze. This took time, though. At 3 months in, I noticed a great improvement, but it’s trivial compared to now. I can say, without hesitation, that I’m in the best shape I’ve been, since my teen years.
  • I only became aware in the last couple years of smoking just HOW BAD it smells. Thankfully, I don’t bear that social stigma anymore!
  • My doc and dentist are happy with me.
  • Money wise, I’m just starting to break even, but soon I’ll have more ready cash.

— Jherek from E-Cigarette-Forum.com

In less than a week, my smokers’ cough is all but gone. That’s something I definitely won’t miss! — firefox335 from E-Cigarette-Forum.com

Please Visit our Canadian Electronic Cigarette e-store for all your e-cig needs. We carry a large selection of e-cigarettesaccessories, and e-liquid. If you are new to e-cigarettes, visit our Beginners guide, or read a few Studies completed on electronic cigarettes.

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