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New Brunswick changes smoke-free places act and the Tobacco sales act to include e-cigarettes

FREDERICTON (GNB) – New Brunswickers are reminded that changes to the New Brunswick Smoke-Free Places Act  and to the Tobacco Sales Act come into effect on July 1.

“These changes represent our government’s commitment to helping New Brunswickers live longer, healthier lives,” said Health Minister Victor Boudreau. “Discouraging our residents from smoking, especially our youth, will help prevent chronic diseases, lower health-care costs, and support a healthier population.”

Effective July 1:

Under the New Brunswick Smoke-Free Places Act smoking and vaping will not be permitted:

  • on patios and all similar outdoor public facilities where food and/or alcohol is served and within three metres of the patio’s boundary;
  • within nine metres of doorways, windows and air intakes of enclosed public places and indoor workplaces;
  • on or within 20 metres of children’s equipment and sports areas located in an outdoor public place;
  • on or within nine metres of a public walking or jogging trail in an outdoor public place; and
  • within the boundaries of provincial parks except within the boundaries of rented campsites, golf courses, and designated areas within the park.

Under the Tobacco Sales Act the following measures will come into effect:

  • A ban on the sale of e-cigarettes and their liquids to persons under 19 years of age;
  • Vapour shops will have age and promotion restrictions;
  • The sale of smoking supplies to minors will be prohibited and these supplies will be hidden from sight. This will include rolling papers, blunt wraps, cigarette filters, cigarette holders pipes; and
  • Product displays and advertising inside a tobacconist shop or a vapour shop will not be allowed to be visible from the outside, and outside advertisement will be prohibited.

Effective January 1, 2016, flavoured tobacco, including menthol, will not be sold in New Brunswick. Waiting until January gives store owners time to sell flavoured tobacco products they currently have in stock.

The changes will affect restaurant owners and other businesses; municipalities; landlords; government buildings; establishments that sell tobacco products, including e-cigarettes and their liquids; and individuals who smoke or vape.

Operators of businesses and facilities that are frequented by the public and affected by these changes are encouraged to use signage to assist with this transition. The following No Vaping/Smoking Posters are available for download:

For further information, business owners and facility operators may contact a regional health protection branch office. A list of these offices is available online.


Please Visit our Canadian Electronic Cigarette e-store for all your e-cig needs. We carry a large selection of e-cigarettesaccessories, and e-liquid. If you are new to e-cigarettes, visit our Beginners guide, or read a few Studies completed on electronic cigarettes.

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