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Ontario government set to ban vape advertising in gas stations and convenience stores

Shell Gas Station

The Province of Ontario has announced its plans to place a ban on advertising of any vaping-related products inside of variety stores and convenience stores.  This ban is set to be in place on January 1, 2020. This ban is set up to regulate advertising in areas where the general public has access.  It will … Read more

Richmond British Columbia bans promotional advertisements for vaping on city property

Ad Standards

City Council voted unanimously against advertisements for vaping products on any city property throughout Richmond British Columbia. Clay Adams, who is the spokesperson for the city of Richmond, states “vaping is a significant health issue. All the evidence suggests that, and this is the at least one thing that we can do. We hope others … Read more

California suggests their residence to put E-cigarettes down


In one of the most aggressive and polarizing statements made by any government agency anywhere in the United States, the California Department of Public Health [CDPH] stated this: “refrain from vaping, no matter the substance or source”. This is an incredible and ignorant step outside of any conceived rationality, and for that matter any scientific … Read more

Juul suspending sales of fruity flavours over impending Trump ban

Juul Pods

The most popular e-cigarette manufacture in North America, Juul has chosen to pull all of their fruity flavours off of the shelves in the United States. This move is being done pro-actively in the Trump administration policy that is expected to remove flavored e-cigarettes from the market. Trump States “we can’t have our youth be … Read more

Vape bans could have disastrous consequences – undoing gains in smoking cessation – expert warns

Vaping outdoor

“It is like everyone has forgotten about smoking, which will kill over 100 Canadians today,” he said. David Sweanor, Professor in the Center for Health Law, Policy and Ethics at the University of Ottawa said bans and restrictions on vaping could drive more people to smoke.  This could undo years of work the public health … Read more

Ontario Government to Restrict E-cigarette Sales

No Vape Products

In a surprising fast action by the Ontario government, they are planning on implementing a bill to restrict the use of electronic cigarettes and treat them similarly to tobacco cigarettes. This law which was introduced today (Monday, November 24th) will ban anyone under the age of 19 from purchasing electronic cigarettes in Ontario.  It will … Read more

Toronto board of health to review a ban on electronic cigarettes

Union park

Toronto Board of Health meeting to discuss banning electronic cigarettes The Toronto Board of Health is convening a meeting to deliberate on a potential municipal ban on electronic cigarettes, equating them with traditional cigarettes. This implies that vaping or the use of electronic cigarettes could be prohibited in public parks, bars, restaurants, and any other … Read more

US to ban e-cigarette sales to minors — is Canada Next?

US and Canada

After many years of neglect, the U.S. food and drug administration has finally proposed a rule that would ban the sale of e-cigarettes to anyone under the age of 18. In our humble opinion, this is something that should have been addressed years ago. This long-awaited proposal would be the first federal regulation of electronic … Read more