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Interdiction des arômes de vape au Québec: Questions – Réponses

Vape flavour ban symbol.

English Article Here Qu’est-ce que l’interdiction des arômes? À compter du 31 octobre 2023, la province de Québec interdira la vente de tous les produits aromatisés de vapotage/nicotine et d’e-liquides. Les seuls “arômes” autorisés à la vente sous l’Interdiction des arômes au Québec sont les liquides sans arôme et les tabacs. Les fruits, les menthes … Read more

Quebec Vape Flavour Ban – Q&A

Vape flavour ban symbol.

Article en français ici What is the Quebec flavour ban? As of October 31st 2023, the province of Quebec has banned the sale of any flavoured vaping/nicotine products and e-liquids. The only “flavours” allowed to be sold are flavourless liquids and tobaccos. Fruit, mints and others will not be available to purchase under this Quebec … Read more

Quebec on Track to Ban Flavoured Vapes Starting Oct. 31

Vape shop shelf with flavoured e-liquids banned in Quebec.

Canadians on edge about Quebec flavoured e-liquids ban. Health Minister Christian Dube announced that on October 31 2023, Quebec plans on banning the sale of all flavoured e-liquids and vaping products. Only tobacco flavoured and unflavoured e-liquid products will be allowed to be sold. This ban aims to deter folks from vaping, especially the younger … Read more

Nova Scotia to ban all flavoured vaping products

Nova Scotia to ban vaping products

Nova Scotia has become the third province to suggest restricting vaping Products in the province. Ontario and  British Columbia have both proposed provincial regulations on vaping, but Nova Scotia’s proposed bans are, by far, the most restrictive in Canada.

The ban is set to come into place on April 1, 2020, and it will include the ban of “any flavours of the liquid”. The only available e-liquid and vaping products in Nova Scotia will be tobacco and bland flavour.

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P.E.I. Vaping bill to increase age from 19 to 21, and ban e-liquid flavours.

P.E.I. Vaping bill to increase age from 19 to 21

PC MLA, Cory Deagle, passed the second reading of a private member’s P.E.I. The vaping bill would restrict where vaping products can be sold, would ban certain flavours, and would also raise the legal age to buy tobacco and e-cigarettes from 19 to 21.

Deagle stated: “These substances, you become addicted to nicotine. In some cases, there is four or five, 20 times the amount of nicotine and e-cigarette than there is in a regular cigarette.”

The second reading vote was unanimous, with all parties in support of passing the bill. There is also discussion about the possibility of adding taxes when this P.E.I. vaping bill is introduced in the spring.

The P.E.I. Vaping bill also addresses where vape products can be sold – indicating they could only be sold in a “tobacconist shop”.

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Youth-Friendly Sour Key Pop Rock Candy Vodka Drink! Palasad Targeting Youth?

Vodka Drink

Over the past several months, the vaping world has been attacked by both our media and our government. Allegations about vaping companies have been strong and bold, suggesting that vaping companies are targeting youth in an attempt to get them hooked on nicotine at an early age. The media and our government have been suggesting that the reason e-liquids and vaping products contain flavours such as strawberry, bubblegum, chocolate, and the like is to intentionally attract young people to vaping.

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Trump suggests banning vaping products could lead to “stuff on the street corner that could be horrible”

Banning Vaping Products

President Trump now seems open to the idea that vaping nicotine e-liquid is not ‘killing people’ and the idea of banning Vaping Products across the United States on a federal level seems to be in question.

Trump stated in a recent press conference:  “The one thing I see, when you watch prohibition, you look at the alcohol, cigarettes, you look at all.   If you don’t give it to them it’s going to come here illegally.  Instead of legitimate companies… they are going to be selling stuff on the street corner that could be horrible.”

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Should we ban ground beef? Pet turtles? Don’t ban vaping – Salmonella is killing Americans!

Ban Vaping

From the mind (and mouth) of Howie – Founder of CanadaVapes.com – Canada’s First (and subjectively best) Vape Shop since 2010.   The Controversy Surrounding Vaping Bans In recent months, the discussion around banning vaping has reached a fever pitch. Several states have outright banned all vaping devices, regardless of whether they’re being used as … Read more

Vancouver City proposes banning vape ads & other restrictions to curb youth vaping.

Ban on Vape Ads

Vancouver City proposes a motion to ban vape ads & minimum distances between vape shops and schools. Lisa Dominato has put forward a motion to limit the sale and promotion of vape equipment and Vape Ads within Vancouver City. There are currently no restrictions on the sales of vaping products and she is looking to … Read more