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Interdiction des arômes de vape au Québec: Questions – Réponses

Vape flavour ban symbol.

English Article Here Qu’est-ce que l’interdiction des arômes? À compter du 31 octobre 2023, la province de Québec interdira la vente de tous les produits aromatisés de vapotage/nicotine et d’e-liquides. Les seuls “arômes” autorisés à la vente sous l’Interdiction des arômes au Québec sont les liquides sans arôme et les tabacs. Les fruits, les menthes … Read more

Quebec Vape Flavour Ban – Q&A

Vape flavour ban symbol.

Article en français ici What is the Quebec flavour ban? As of October 31st 2023, the province of Quebec has banned the sale of any flavoured vaping/nicotine products and e-liquids. The only “flavours” allowed to be sold are flavourless liquids and tobaccos. Fruit, mints and others will not be available to purchase under this Quebec … Read more

Quebec on Track to Ban Flavoured Vapes Starting Oct. 31

Vape shop shelf with flavoured e-liquids banned in Quebec.

Canadians on edge about Quebec flavoured e-liquids ban. Health Minister Christian Dube announced that on October 31 2023, Quebec plans on banning the sale of all flavoured e-liquids and vaping products. Only tobacco flavoured and unflavoured e-liquid products will be allowed to be sold. This ban aims to deter folks from vaping, especially the younger … Read more

The Canadian Vaping Association legally challenges the Quebec government.

news broadcast

This is the message of the Canadian Vaping Association (CVA) to vaping professionals in Quebec after the Government introduced severe vaping restrictions under the Bill 44. After numerous protests over the internet and on the radio, the CVA announced it would react. As expected, a constitutional challenge has just been filed today. The lawyers of the Canadian Vaping Association … Read more

Canadian Vaping Association’s challenge of prohibition of vaping in Quebec.

Support the future of vaping

OUR Two cents: The Canadian Vaping Association is stepping up to challenge what are, by far the most radically aggressive regulations in Canada against vaping.  The Quebec government has virtually eliminated vaping retail locations, and all online sales inside of Quebec, making it nearly impossible for smokers to find e-cigarettes in Quebec.  This is far … Read more